“Thanks for an itch-free summer.”
Go away insects. I'm highly allergic to insect bites but a little dab of Geo's "Itches, Ouches & Stings" salve keeps the itching to a minimum. Thanks for an itch-free summer. Oh Joy! Oh Geo's Joy!!
— Laura Bernstein
“A real breakthrough for those who may suffer from indigestion."
Geo's digestive bitters are great for helping the digestive process. Works much better than Maalox or other antacids. A real breakthrough for those who may suffer from indigestion.
— Bill
I have felt better in the last three weeks with your lymphatic cleanse than I have in the last twenty years. Thank you!
I am wondering how long I can use this. Could I use it half strength forever? Honestly, this absolutely feels like it is drawing out the toxins and allowing my body to flush it out. It is an awesome feeling! You feel better each day. I am actual working in my flower beds for the first time in 20 years. I am beyond thrilled. Even the arthritis in my hands does not hurt anymore.
Thank you, as always, for saving my life.
— Lori T.
What a joy it has been to have Geo as a vital part of my health care team over the years. Her gentle, natural approach to wellness is refreshing in a world that most often overlooks the benefits of Integrative Holistic and Plant Based Medicine. Geo takes time to listen to your health concerns and customizes an effective, individualized plan based on your personal goals. She is a kind and caring soul with a wellspring of knowledge.
— Tara M.
Animal Support
My 85-pound,15-month old Pitbull/Sharpei mix, Gnocchi, was diagnosed with hip dysplasia and a ruptured ACL in his rear leg. I decided not to go the invasive surgery route, which would have been a full hip replacement followed by knee surgery. Instead, I contacted Geo and Monica Chapman, who did extensive research on his condition to provide me with herbs and supplements to help him. Before going to them, Gnocchi could put very little weight on his back legs, needed help to get up steps, and was in obvious discomfort. After only a couple weeks of glucosamine and turmeric supplements, Gnocchi was much more comfortable and even running around the yard. He goes up my three back steps much more easily now and is a noticeably happier dog. Geo and Monica spent as much time with Gnocchi and me as I needed to feel comfortable about his situation and their recommended treatment. I know his supplements will change as does his condition, but there is such a marked improvement in his physical condition and demeanor after only a few weeks, that I am confident Geo and Monica's magic will continue to help him! They are a pleasure to work with and extremely generous with their knowledge, time and good humor. And, they do wonders for people, too!! I am so pleased with Gnocchi's progress and want to thank you both again!
Athlete’s Salve is good stuff! I injured my neck last June during a skydive that included a hard opening. I didn’t do anything about it for months but finally I got an X-ray which indicated that there was no skeletal damage. The pain wasn’t constant but if I moved a particular way it was excruciating. After the first application of the Salve it felt better and after a few the movement that caused the worst pain only hurt a little. I stopped using Athlete’s Salve, the pain returned, I reapplied it and got better again. I’ve been pretty active my whole life and have had a lot of minor and a few major injuries. Topical treatments never did much if any good before but yours has really helped. Thank you!
— Rob Crimmins
We chose to use Kalming Kids and the Hyper Relief for my son who is 7 years old. He has always been a very active boy and we were not wanting to put him on prescription medicine. After visiting Geo, we found the perfect solution. The combination of Kalming Kids and Hyper Relief has really helped our son to focus more on a daily basis. We have also seen an improvement in behavior at school, as well as academic performance.
— A.E.
“Our home is never without Liquid Gold …truly an elixir of pure golden qualities”
Our home is never without Liquid Gold, Digestive Bitters, herbal salves, and I regularly use the Rejuvenator for Women. One Tuesday night I suddenly became very, very cold, nearly to shivering with severe aches and pains. My temperature was 96.4. I started Liquid Gold and went to bed wrapped in blankets. The next morning my temperature was 99.3 (my norm is 97.6), I lay on the sofa all day aching, sleeping, and generally miserable, continuing Liquid Gold every 4-5 hours. Felt a smidge better at bedtime. Slept until 2 am. When I awakened, I suddenly realized with great surprise I wasn't sick anymore, just tired and wiped out. Continued Liquid Gold for two more days and was able to go on our planned vacation totally well, happy, and energized. My husband took Liquid Gold during my illness for a few days and never got sick. Cheers to Geo and Liquid Gold, it is truly an elixir of pure golden qualities. We are never without it in our house and have given countless bottles away to friends and family. Thank you so much, Geo.
— Mary Jane Lee
“…a great resource with such effective, quality products.”
I bought a variety of Geo's salves and I have been very impressed. No home should be without these. I am ready to deal with a wide range of situations that come our way. As a chiropractor of 34 years and a self taught naturopath of over 40 years, I am so happy to have such a great resource with such effective, quality products.
— Cater Donaldson
“As a newcomer to alternative therapies,…I had a little knowledge –and a lot of suspicion”
As a newcomer to alternative therapies, herbal remedies and the like, I had little knowledge, and a lot of suspicion about this approach to health and healing.
BUT — Geo's plainspoken, yet thorough explanations, about the possible origins of my particular dilemma made sense. And her simple solution brought relief.
Don't have a specific reason for seeking alternative treatment? Go anyway.
You'll feel renewed simply visiting with her in her cozy Apothecary!
— K
“Geo provided me with exceptional care and support in dealing with a chronic condition.”
Geo's skills as a highly trained herbalist provided me with exceptional care and support in dealing with a chronic condition. Her work is empowering, loving and healing. Her life reflects her love of the planet and all of life in its many forms. She brings to her clients new knowledge, healing, ease, and delight. Do yourself a favor and experience the skills of this wise, experienced teacher and clinician.
— Nancy Jo Steetle
“You get the feeling that you are the center of Geo’s Joy!”
Geo has provided great answers to whatever I need to know about my health and diet. She is the walking encyclopedia in this area. Beyond that is how wonderful it is to have her work with you. When she is with you, you are the absolute focus of her attention... You get the feeling that you are the center of "Geo's Joy"!
— Bill Withers
Hormonal Regulation
I found out I had PCOS after months of not getting my period. My doctor immediately suggested taking Clomid, which is a drug used to help regulate your hormones and cause ovulation. I knew I wanted to try another option first since drugs are always my last choice. I am SO glad I found Geo online!
She is great and always answers all of my questions (I have a lot of them). Geo offers great advice and is very knowledgeable in her field. I was very concerned about my irregular menstrual cycles and the suggestions she gave me helped a ton. I have been taking herbs for about 8 months and my cycles are now back to normal. I am so relieved! I noticed the positive effects of the herbs within a few weeks of taking them. My cycles didn’t completely normalize for a few months but I am SO thankful I decided to go the herbal route before jumping to a drug. I would highly recommend that anyone try herbs first. They’re amazingly powerful!
— JG
“…the pain from the kidney stones (were) greatly diminished. In the past I wound up in the ER. Not this time!”
Geo Derick, Herbalist Extraordinaire! I have regained a greater sense of vitality in a short period of time. Within days of consulting with Geo for a complex set of health concerns, I felt my vim and vigor returning along with the pain from kidney stones greatly diminished. In the past under these same conditions I wound up in the ER. Not this time! Geo knows plants and how to formulate just the right combination for my ailments. She truly hears what is going on and uses a very holistic approach, graciously sharing her wisdom and love for true healing and well-being! Her wisdom also includes sound nutritional advice. Such a wiser choice than surgery or complications of drugs, both of which I can avoid with Geo's guidance! Gratitude for Geo's wisdom and her smile!
— Karen Godfrey, CMT
“She knows how to navigate the waters of allopathic and integrative medicine with expertise”
Geo has become my primary go to person when I am feeling symptomatic in any way....body or mind. I find the herbal medicine she prepares for me to be not only curative, but healing. Her deep knowledge and intuitive sense is profound and guides her in choosing what is best for the individual's needs. Geo is able to follow Virginia Hisghman's ( acupuncturist) prescriptions to create custom tinctures for me. She knows how to navigate the waters of allopathic and integrative medicine with expertise. Our family receives Geo's tinctures as gifts every Christmas to get them through winter's flus and colds. I am so grateful that Geo has settled here in Clarke County to attend to our needs so beautifully.
— Mary Jane Lee
“She has been a blessing in my transition to menopause, for UTI’s and an occasional cold. My husband has discontinued Lipitor and decreased his blood pressure medication.”
I first met Geo Derick when she came to present to my students in my Alternative and Complementary Healthcare Class approximately five years ago. She brought yummy herbal tea, a fascinating presentation, and a caring presence. Since then she has been a blessing to me in my transition to menopause, UTI's, and the occasional cold. My husband continues with her custom herbal tea and has been able to discontinue Lipitor and decrease his blood pressure medication. Geo is skilled at interfacing with MDs, and has provided evidence for herbal medicine and a prudent diet for keeping chronic conditions under control. I miss seeing her on a regular basis since she moved to the farm, but I believe she is reaching even more people with her message of hope.
— Pat Barnes, Licensed Occupational Therapist and Yoga Therapist
“I had been fighting Lyme Disease for many years”
I had been fighting Lyme Disease for many years before I met Geo. I had tried conventional antibiotic treatments with no benefit. I then tried many alternative treatments that greatly helped until I was reinfected. The same combination of therapies helped again but to a much lesser degree. It was not until I went to Geo for her herbal remedies that I started to feel significantly better. She is wonderfully gifted and knowledgeable about natural healing, and in combination with the the joy and laughter she shares, she works miracles! She has now helped me with many lesser ailments, and I recommend her without reservation for any improvement you wish for your well-being! Treat yourself well with her help!
— Suzanne Covello
“I had been dealing with Lyme’s disease for two years…”
At 51 years old I was feeling old and decrepit. My thyroid was out of whack, my brain was foggy, I had been dealing with Lyme’s disease for two years, and I had frequent (weather related) headaches. Then I met Geo Derick, and in a few months she transformed my life!
I am well! I feel young and vibrant; better than I have felt in years! The brain fog has lifted, headaches are rare, thyroid symptoms are almost gone, and there are no signs of Lyme’s disease. I can’t thank Geo enough for giving me my life back! Her knowledge and understanding of the healing tools God has put in nature is phenomenal. Her genuine care and concern for the wellbeing of those in her care is an integral part of the healing process. She has an amazing gift, and I am truly grateful that she has shared it with me!
— Cheryl Brooke
Covid 19
I must give a personal testimony here...My partner tested positive last week. As soon as he started to feel meh, I remember to start my drops. I am usually pretty good at keeping up but got a bit forgetful. We still hadn't to start isolating at this point as well. On the second day of him not feeling well, an awaiting his results, I started on my capsules. I went straight to the "I have covid" dosage. We isolated as soon as his results came in and I have tested negative 3 times since his positive test. I have felt the mild symptoms of covid -starting the day after his test-as I had been around him before his symptoms even started.
The nurse said that I may be in the clear after a PCR test at day 5 of his receiving + results- which is tomorrow.
I am simply amazed at how your formula seems to 1- keep a positive test result at bay and 2- that the cough, sore throat, runny nose are kept to a minimum day after day.
— Trish J.
“She prepared tonics for an acid stomach. Within 24 hours I felt very much improved.”
For Geo's Joy.... Geo brought her now famous sassafras tea to a dinner party, after I had drunk some I had a beautiful sense of well being. I met Geo and knew she had infused the tea with geosjoy. Soon thereafter I had a private consultation with her in her pharmacy. I went to her for help to ease my dry eyes, overall dryness, and for osteopenia. Her consultations are comprehensive and the time with her is very educational. She created a tonic and gave me a big bag of herbs to brew up. Very soon after drinking the tonic and herbs I felt better. The tonic was delicious and you could taste its goodness, and again I had a sense of well being. More geosjoy. More recently she prepared tonics that the acupuncturist prescribed for acid stomach. Within 24 hours I felt very much improved, and wellness continues with another tonic for energy, moisture, and nettles for my bones. I have deep gratitude for Geo's presence in my life and for her wisdom and knowledge.
— Lily Rose
“I sought out an alternative to gallbladder surgery”
I was told two years ago this month I needed surgery to remove my gallbladder because of gallstones. I had experienced one episode of breath-taking pain which is classic for gallstones and other spasms causing moderate amounts of pain, sometimes continuous for days at a time. I decided that I had endured far too many surgeries in my 40-something years of life and was not interested in having any more. I also have a serious blood-clotting disorder which requires me to take blood thinners for the rest of my life. I sought out an alternative to surgery. Geo has been amazing! She did a complete assessment of my health concerns and physical condition. She has worked with me to create special formulas that focus on my particular health issues and they have worked beautifully. She has also been extremely diligent in researching the herbs in her formulas so they do not interfere with my current medications. As a Registered Nurse, those I work with are baffled at my resistance to surgery, but I can honestly say I have gained so much relief from Geo's formulas that the idea of surgery is the furthest thing from my mind. She has also created a special formula for my migraines which works like a charm. Geo has made such a huge impact on my life, I cannot imagine what it would be like to be without her and her formulas!
— Trish White, RN
Your being a part of my life has been the most wonderful, wonderful experience. I thank God. The day I got paired up with you as my visitor guide, was definitely nature working at its best. It's I who should be thanking you for all of the gifts you give every time I see you. - the joy, warmth, wisdom, acceptance, wonder - (the world of wonder you share every time I see you - I've always been interested in plants, gardening, nature, the country [where I grew up] - it's been one of my best 'therapies' to counteract the work world and city life. There's nothing but peace in nature.)
I've always felt/believed that the plants that God put here had to take care of all of our needs much better and more completely than any synthetic drug.
— Suzanne O
“At age 44, I found myself experiencing extreme fatigue, depression, postprandial hypoglycemia and a decreased sex drive”
Geo Derick saved my life. At the age of 44, I found myself experiencing extreme fatigue, depression, postprandial hypoglycemia and a decreased sex drive, all due in part to lifestyle (high-stress), nutrition (sugar-addiction) and the natural decline in hormone levels that many women my age experience. Geo listened carefully to my list of symptoms and the description of my lifestyle without a trace of judgment. Her demeanor is so compassionate and loving, that I felt like I’d had a really productive session with a great therapist… only better, because I received clear, specific, reasonable advice about how to alter my diet and several different
combinations of herbs that addressed my energy level, balanced my hormones and nourished my body.
After being on the herbs for 5 months now, I can say that I feel like a changed person. The herbs have alleviated all my former symptoms and I have not felt so energized and excited about life since I was in my 20’s. Do yourself a favor and call Geo!
— Suzanne Potts, Writer
“I really feel the gut repair was significant for my energy levels and my allergies”
Geo, I really feel the gut repair was significant in increasing my energy level. Is there any chance that the improvement in my allergies also seemed to happen at the same time? I really think so! Two years later, I still feel I am continuing to feel good strength and stamina!
— Amy Ferrell
“The first time ever not catching something from my boys”
I am happy to say that I have seemed to have escaped the stomach bug...first time ever not catching something from my boys...I owe it to you!
— Heather K.
“I had a very serious wound”
On December 3, early Saturday morning, I tripped and tripped again and finally went down, scraping all the flesh to the bone on my leg. I was taken to the Howard County Emergency room and had 60 stitches. On the 12th I was advised by the ER to see Dr. Sara Mess, a plastic surgeon. My wound didn’t look good. Dr. Mess operated later that day – the entire wound was infected and I was in danger of loosing my leg. After two more surgeries I was sent home with a sponge-vac, a wheel chair, a walker and a hospital bed. I was to remain with my leg raised for the next 26 days. I was readmitted to the hospital for a skin graft and finally left 4 days later.
The story becomes interesting when Geo Derick enters the picture. On Jan 5th Geo came to my rescue! She prescribed herbs for immune support, for healing, for mental and physical health. She returned quite a few times, even once to observe my home care nurses changing the sponge-vac. I had a very serious wound and I really do not think it would have healed as well as it did without her care. She was present, available, directive and supportive. Her kind of alternative health-care was really the only one open to me at that time. Her knowledge is vast, her thoroughness impressive. I will thank her to the end of my days for her support and genius.
— Tatiana Potts, Hunter
“I originally went for my high blood pressure, and later was diagnosed with internal cysts”
I originally went for the herbal consultation because I was worried about my high blood pressure. I was hoping to avoid using the standard medications that are prescribed, because I had heard about various side effects. I also suspected that part of the cause was my tendency to worry when faced with stressful situations.
Geo worked with me to deal with these issues using herbal preparations. Some of the first herbs caused mild side effects, yet we were able to switch to some others, and to come up with a good combination that took care of my problems, to my great satisfaction. I was thrilledl!
Later I was diagnosed with internal cysts. Geo prescribed a tincture designed to have anti-cystic effects. I've been using that for about a year, and so far, it has worked wonderfully. I take the tincture as directed, they appear to be gone, and I've had no recurrence. I'm going to stick with it!
I'm pleased to be using herbs as medicine, with guidance from someone who has a Master's degree in this field. She is an expert, a good listener, and one who has proved herself to me in finding solutions I can use.
— Anita H.
“I am 63 going on 33!”
Geo is an educated and certified herbalist, nutritionist, health and life coach who has made a positive impact on my personal life. Through her ability to share her knowledge she has helped me enjoy a more fruitful and healthy lifestyle. Her academic and pragmatic applications for me have been both nurturing and healing!
I am 63 going on 33!
Thank you Geo!
— S. Robert August, President of North Star Synergies, Inc.
“She has become our go-to person for wellness in our family”
"Itches, Outches & Stings" beats any moisturizing or protectant agent out there! My darling baby daughter's bum thanks you Geo. I've started using this stuff on my face as an alternative moisturizer - it's amazing! Is there youth hidden in this bottle Geo?
Every person who has ever eaten a little too much needs a bottle of bitters from Geo's kitchen! My mother shares it at restaurants and recommends it to everyone suffering from stomach upset
Geo is an ambassador for health and well being! She is a gatherer, formulator and master of herbal healing. She is flexible and open, caring and smart. We trust her fully and would recommend her services to anyone. They are specified to your needs and your comfort level. That is something no doctor or pharmacist can offer these days.
Oh, and the VITEX is amazing. I can't even explain how helpful it was. Not only did it keep my hormones even throughout my cycle, but I got my period on exactly it's due date!
— Lindsay Kreisher
“I credit the salve Itches, Ouches & Stings with the rapid reduction of swelling with my lip”
I credit the salve you make for Itches, Ouches & Stings and all that ails your skin with the rapid reduction of swelling with my lip when I'd been disfigured by a run-in with a steer--he was a lot bigger than I was and had the help of an iron bar he kicked into my face!
— Evie Lotze, Roxley Farms


